YoPro Know Blog

It’s a question I hear from leaders all the time: How do I get my team to show up on time—engaged, ready, and willing to contribute? It seems straightforward enough, right? But in today’s hybrid work environment, the idea of “showing up” has completely shifted, expanding beyond clocking in at...

I spent most of December reflecting on the year—evaluating what we learned as a team in 2024 and identifying our goals for the new year. I also revisited my workforce predictions for 2024, which highlighted several key trends I expected to see gain momentum: Growing discussions and implementation of the...

We’re back with another installment of Getting It Right, where we spotlight organizations that inspire us with their talent management through innovative, visionary leadership. These companies do more than talk the talk—they set the bar high by fostering dynamic work environments, which improves workplace culture. A great culture ultimately benefits...

3,000 audience members, more than 1,500 organizations reached, 70+ engagements, 26 flights, 2,000 miles driven, and even one train ride in Boston. Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been up to in 2024. This year, while on the road (and sometimes in the air), I had plenty of time to...

It’s that time of the year again—the holidays are officially in full swing. Despite the joyfulness of the season, you’ve probably seen the statistics: December is one of the most stressful months of the year. With this in mind, we decided to return to a blog post we wrote last...

To successfully launch and maintain a career, it’s important to showcase a variety of skills: expertise in your chosen industry, strong communication skills, time management, and last but not least, self-awareness. Although maybe considered a “soft skill,” demonstrating awareness of yourself, your impact on those around you, and your own...

When we travel across the country to speak with leaders and organizations, the #1 requested topic is how to effectively communicate across generations. It’s a universal challenge that affects every industry, regardless of size or demographics. Whether we are speaking to a room full of seasoned professionals or to emerging...

We talk about a lot of workplace challenges around here, but we’re kicking off a brand new YoPro Know initiative with the goal of celebration. Celebrating what, you ask? Our new blog series will shine a spotlight on organizations that set a high bar in talent management through visionary leadership...

It’s no secret that professionals are asking for generous PTO policies in increasing numbers (we’ve written about this as a top benefit here). With the rise in conversations about PTO’s positive impact on mental health, its ability to prevent burnout, and the importance of flexible work hours throughout the summer...

  This summer, we’ve focused on some game-changing topics across our digital channels—everything from building sustainable talent pipelines and launching emerging leader programs to navigating micro-generations and cracking the code on recruiting and retaining talent across generations. We’ve been intentional in creating content that drives real results for your team....

Have you heard about “micro-generations”? Chances are, even if you’ve never heard the term, you might be part of one! We often talk about Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z as distinct groups, but these labels don’t always capture the unique experiences of individuals who fall on the...

In November of last year, we explored the future impact of AI on jobs. In a podcast with David Hyde-Volpe, CTO of the Vizius Group and Founder of Dodo Consulting, we explored how AI is already influencing the workforce and what professionals can expect. Almost two years in from ChatGPT’s...


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