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It's Time To Start Practicing What I Preach

I don't think I'm doing a very good job of running my business if I don't do the things I advise you to do every week. The past few months have been pretty hectic for me – but I know everyone is sort of feeling this burn out right now.

To remedy this, I'm taking the month of July to prep new content, focus on our memberships and career consulting clients, and refresh The YoPro Know's mission and vision.

Don't worry, we will still be here with our newsletters, social posts, and memberships to share our favorite interviews and stories from over the years, but I will personally be taking this time to reset and come back with a fresh new spin to the network.

I recognize that it's not always easy – or the best solution – to take a break from something if it's overwhelming you. In life, that is oftentimes not possible. I believe I am fortunate to have this opportunity to press "pause" and find what I need to make this network even better than before.

I often share advice from YoPros I have interviewed who cannot express enough how critical it is to slow down if you can. This is me slowing down and recognizing that I need some time to do it. Interviewing so many amazing YoPros comes with a price: time. To continue bringing you what I want to bring you (and more!), I am slowing down to do it.

Our products and services will continue to stay the same for the next month (i.e., social posts, memberships, career coaching and events), but the biggest change will be in providing new content. With hundreds of hours of content provided on my website and beyond, I think now is a great time to take you back through my years of interviews.

It's just an *added bonus* that I will get some down time where I normally am finding time for interviews.

After all, how good of a leader can I be when I can't take time for myself?

I encourage you all to continue sharing our stories with YoPros, consider joining one of our memberships to gain new professional development opportunities, and if you or someone you know is looking for a fresh career start, send them our way with our career consulting. For now, I'll see you later this summer and there might even be an event or two. Our regular interviews will be back in August!

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