Hey there, everyone. Well, it’s hard to believe it has already been one full year since The YoPro Know, LLC was launched. I am proud of what it has become and am excited for all of the new ideas that will come to fruition in its next year.
What started as a way to share other job opportunities out there after a negative experience at the beginning of my career, has now turned into a positive resource for many and so much more. The YoPro Know is a resource for all young professionals across the country (and more recently, the world!) to show the personal and professional hardships and successes from other YoPros just like you.
Our goal is to:
Expose you to other job opportunities and career paths you may not even be aware of
To connect you with other young professionals and give you a platform to network
Empower young professionals in every aspect of their lives
Which brings me to my next matter of business and what some of you might be wondering. What comes next for The YoPro Know?
First, I need to tell you that my vision has changed at least 100 different times within the last year. After talking with many entrepreneurs, consultants, peers, and even the interviewees, I keep learning new ways to grow the vision and platform, and although that gets frustrating at times, I know that it’s okay. I’m learning so much about myself and how to start a business, and that’s pretty cool to me.
Over the last year, we have made a ton of headway:
Interviewed 75 young professionals across more than 25 states and in 2 new countries
Shared 52 Young Professional stories (appropriate, since today is our 1 year anniversary)
Brought on 4 new interns to work on social media content, audience growth, and more
Incorporated as an LLC
Presented in various collegiate and business settings
Started an Ambassador Program
Grown our audience to over 1,000 across all platforms (Ranking of cities with greatest following: Greenville, Atlanta, Charlotte, New York, San Francisco; Most common age range: 18-34)
So, what’s next?
We’ll be adding new content starting this month to capitalize on our newest mission: empowering young professionals in every aspect of their lives. You’ll hear from young professionals themselves (i.e., not in a Q&A format), who have vulnerably shared their own career and personal experiences in various fields. You’ll also learn about general topics that you can apply in your everyday life, like buying a house for the first time, finance skills, interview tips and tricks, and how to give back, to name a few. We want to be your one-stop shop to all-things young professional and we plan to get there with your help.
Although starting a podcast is an idea I have pondered, I am taking one thing at a time and focusing on growing the audience before making that move. Come talk to me in a month or two and my vision will have probably changed, but again, that’s just what happens in this entrepreneurial space and I’m enjoying learning it as I go.
One reader shared the following:
“I love being a part of the YoPro community because I can learn from my peers in a an enjoyable and relatable platform. It is interesting to learn about what other people my age experience, and that I am not alone with some of the challenges that come with being a YoPro.” – Frances W.
This is what I hope to achieve with all young professionals, but I can’t do it alone. If you’re interested in helping out or getting more involved, consider taking these next steps:
Share this platform with friends, family, and coworkers!
Let me know how we can provide more value for you
Become an Ambassador (more details can be found here)
Connect us with your local Young Professional Group
Contact me if you’re:
Interested in being a contributor for the new blog content I mentioned above
Interested in connecting us with a young professional you’d like to see featured on the blog!
Looking to schedule a speaking engagement
A big thank you to everyone who has followed along this year and been so supportive of me in this endeavor. I am excited to see where the next year takes us. This is The YoPro Know.
Owner, The YoPro Know, LLC