YoPro Know's Big Announcement

I know I have been hyping this up for a while now, but…after a little over four years since the start of this business, The YoPro Know is finally my full time job.

There are probably many of you who never knew this wasn't my full time job, so this news might not be that interesting for you. For me, however, this is a day I've been waiting for a long time.

What started as a blog in 2019 has turned into a business I definitely did not envision from the start. I know that sounds familiar to many entrepreneurs and business owners, right? In the early days of YoPro, I remember having a lot of people (close friends, even!) look at me like I was crazy. I told them I wanted to build a network for young professionals and looking back, I realize I was going about it in a funny way. "I'm going to interview a ton of young professionals and share their stories", was my answer when people asked me how I was going to get there. Of course, the business model has changed, but the core mission still remains the same:

We help young professionals be successful in the workforce.

When you look at the business model today, which focuses on helping companies recruit and retain young professionals, people ask how that fits in with my mission. We are helping young professionals be successful by going directly to the companies and reaching the masses. In other words? It's the way to make the biggest impact. The young professional turnover rate is BAD and it's impacting our society more than we know. With a $30.5 billion price tag, retention is an issue every business needs to be thinking of. Not only that, but these young people that keep job hopping because they are not happy in their positions are OUR future leaders. We need to do better.


There are so many people that I want to thank who have gotten me here, and they know who they are. I could not have done it without them.

One person, or business, I should say, that has played a big role in The YoPro Know, is my first job in Chattanooga, Tennessee. If you've followed along for some time now, you've probably heard me say how much I "hated" my first job. In reality, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Without that first year out of college at that specific company and in that exact position, I would not have started my blog in April 2018 (which officially launched in March 2019) and The YoPro Know's vision would have been very different. I would not have moved back to Greenville, where I attended Furman University, and I would not have built the incredible community I have today if not for that first job.

If you are reading this as a future YoPro, know that it's okay not to love your first job. Clearly, mine wasn't for me – BUT – it can help you pivot to the next best thing, which in my case, was YoPro.

Another big thank you is to the Greenville Area Parkinson Society (GAPS), a local nonprofit where I've spent the majority of my career. It is an organization with an incredible mission, and one that is close to my heart with a personal connection. Everyone I've had the pleasure of interacting with at GAPS has made my young professional experience over the last 4+ (6+ if you include my internship in college!) what it is today and I am forever grateful for the staff, board, donors, community partners, and of course: our members. Thank you for everything!


Here are a few of my favorite photos from YoPro over the years!

Now, for the future? As I continue growing the business, I recognize there will continue to be even more changes than there already have been! I know this because YoPro’s original vision is nothing compared to what it has become.

As I've prepared for this transition, I've reminded myself that just because I will not have *2 jobs* anymore (that's what it has felt like!), the grass is not always greener on the other side (thanks to a past YoPro blog post ft. my friend Lillian on "Watering Your Own Lawn"). Instead of career challenges I've faced thus far, like balancing a side hustle and my 9-to-5 career, I'll face the challenges of running my own business in a full-time capacity. It's important to remember this because of course, I'll be faced with hard things, but how I react to them will determine the success of my business.

Today, YoPro has grown to serve companies by supporting their young professional recruiting and retention efforts. Through interviews with 550+ young professionals to date (and counting!), my team has taken that data and determined the 5 key factors young professionals consider when staying or leaving a company. You can find all of the interview on our site here: blog stories or video interviews. We consult with businesses, offer them solutions, and drive them toward implementing those solutions. I focus on working with small-to-mid size businesses looking to not only increase their recruiting and retention efforts of millennials and the rising GenZ generation, but to increase their overall company culture, confidence, and ultimately, their productivity and revenue.

Learn more about our business model in the video below!

One key part of recruiting and retaining young talent is through the lens of social media. While this is not something you think of directly, it has transformed my business

model into offering a social media marketing branch. As a social media consultant, I offer support to companies looking to grow their audience, which oftentimes can mean reaching future hires. YoPro works with companies across the southeast to bring their audience growth and social engagement to an all-time high with practiced and proven models, including digital audits and social media strategies.

I expect the two branches of YoPro Know – the retention consulting and social media consulting – to be the first of many for the business, but again, I know that it can all change.

I'll be ready to pivot when it does.

There is a lot more to come with YoPro Know, I’m certain. Whenever I share my news about my future plans for the business, I get a lot of questions about my age. People say, “Well, it’s not like you will be a YoPro forever!”. Usually accompanied by a few chuckles, I stand firm and tell them that I’ve created a strategy where YoPro Know will always be needed even beyond my own personal YoPro years. But for those of you wondering, I’m 26 and have plenty of time 🙂

Here’s to the beginning, YoPro Know!

What's Next?

For innovative organizations seeking to hire, engage and retain YoPros, our consulting and coaching arm will partner with you to create a captivating culture where prime candidates thrive long term. Get your Free Guide to Increased Young Professional Retention here. To learn more about how your business can work with YoPro Know, schedule a free consultation today.

Last but not least, download our free guide: Increase Young Professional Retention in 3 Steps here, or clicking on the image below.

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