Getting It Right: The Hayes Approach

We’re back with another installment of Getting It Right, where we spotlight organizations that inspire us with their talent management through innovative, visionary leadership. These companies do more than talk the talk—they set the bar high by fostering dynamic work environments, which improves workplace culture. A great culture ultimately benefits the team, the leadership, the company’s finances, and the list goes on! This month, we are thrilled to introduce our next feature: The Hayes Approach, a Human Resources firm whose mission is “to transform the world by transforming the workplace.” We love this phrase so much, we wish we’d thought of it ourselves! The Hayes Approach is doing so many things well, but the three we’re putting a spotlight on are collaboration, creating a people-affirming environment, and the mission to set a strong example for their own clients. 


As we’ve discussed before, one of the core pillars of Getting It Right is effective leadership: not  leadership that manages by announcing definitive mandates from a corner office, but leadership that is working alongside the team to support and guide. One of the pillars of our own Talent Impact Process is Culture, and we chose it as a focus because it’s vital that companies create an environment where employees feel included, valued, and connected to their team. We’re big fans of leaders who foster a culture of accountability and productivity, of course—but we also think leaders have a big role to play in the development of culture, too. If the management team isn’t enjoying their jobs and playing an active role in creating an inclusive, collaborative culture at work, then who’s giving the team permission to do so?

Stacey Franklin, Vice President, describes how The Hayes Approach embodies the principle of effective leadership by example. She says that “teamwork is a major cornerstone of the company’s culture. Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do, ensuring that every team member’s ideas and skills contribute to our shared successes.” At YoPro Know, we have found that when each person’s perspective is valued and utilized, there are multiple benefits: 

1) Team members begin to feel valued by management, rather than feeling like a number that could be replaced at any time.

2) Workplace decisions and ideas are infused with the various talents and intellect of multiple members, which not only makes those decisions stronger, but also gives ownership to the entire team. 

3) Encouraging collaboration is an unofficial, built-in form of professional development, as each team member is constantly learning from and motivating the others. 

It goes without saying, but the benefits become tangible to management when they discover that their employees find deep purpose in their work because they feel ownership, which means they’ll be more likely to stick around long-term. (And chances are, you’ll want them to, because the workplace culture you’ve created together, over time, is extraordinary.) The culture we’re describing is exactly what The Hayes Approach has been cultivating for years, and we love what we see. 

People-Affirming Environment

Sometimes, the greatest choice a company leader can make is not one specific management policy, but rather a guiding philosophy that informs all other decisions. For Leslie Hayes, the Founder and President of The Hayes Approach, she seeks to create a “life- and people-affirming” environment within her company. While this may sound like a platitude, Leslie truly walks the walk in her work culture ambitions. Some of her standout practices include offering Summer Fridays (allowing a flexible work schedule on Fridays), providing a pack ‘n play in the office for parents of young children, and communicating flexibility in emails, such as “my working hours may not be yours, respond when you can.” These choices give team members permission to redefine their workdays to make time for living life. (Imagine that!) A defining feature of The Hayes Approach is Leslie’s creation of a culture of open communication and work-life balance.  She provides this insight: “Employers should recognize life comes at you in seasons.” This understanding is reflected in the company’s policies and practices, which prioritize flexibility, empathy, and recognition of each team member as a human being living a life outside of work.

Don’t just take it from the leader herself, though. Amy Kledzik, Sr. HR Administrator, adds her perspective on the workplace culture, emphasizing Leslie’s commitment to employees’ mental health and well-being. Amy says, “Our owner is acutely aware that employees’ mental health and well-being are important and strives to ensure everyone has a work-life balance, providing mental health resources free to us.” Amy also highlights the generous benefits package and fair wages, underscoring the company’s dedication to its employees’ overall satisfaction and success. This is yet another facet of workplace culture that we’ve included in our Talent Impact Process: affirming your team members is a key component to retaining your team and ensuring that they find their careers fulfilling. Based on Amy’s words, we see that The Hayes Approach is doing just that!

It’s clear that Leslie’s philosophy of a “life- and people-affirming” workplace is not just a lofty ideal—it’s a goal that has been implemented in work policies and standards as well as in unofficial, interpersonal decisions made on a daily basis by leadership. When creating a culture where team members feel truly valued, both pieces are equally important. If a company has leadership who make an effort to extend empathy and flexibility—but the benefits and compensation piece isn’t there—talent will often feel like they have no choice but to take another job to meet the demands of inflation, a growing family, or other inevitable factors. However, if the company policies are excellent—but leadership doesn’t match it with a people-affirming approach—talent may start to feel like the policies are just a cover-up for bad culture. The takeaway? It only works long-term if the two initiatives work in tandem, and this is a truth that The Hayes Approach has fully embraced.

Transforming the World

We’ve already discussed the many ways that The Hayes Approach has transformed its own workplace culture through both collaboration and through its leadership’s commitment to affirming the lives of its team. But what we haven’t discussed is that these actions can actually… change the world. (Sounds like a stretch, we know, but stay with us!) “Transforming the world by transforming the workplace” is a cornerstone of The Hayes Approach and integral to the internal makeup of this nearly 20-year-old company. As an HR firm, their internal standards serve as evidence of success to their clientele. Trish Kolarik, HR Director, elaborates, “Our culture is thoughtfully and carefully curated by leadership. We practice what we preach to our clients and lead by example to truly make the workplace and world a better place.” 

With this in mind, it’s easy to see how The Hayes Approach can create a snowball effect: not only are its own team members happier and more productive, but it is able to leverage those results when consulting other business leaders, who then are convinced to implement similar strategies. As more organizations catch on to the long-term benefits of collaboration, an empathetic leadership style, and improved work policies, the standard for companies in upstate South Carolina is slowly—but surely— raised. We love this zoomed-out perspective because leaders are often so focused on their own teams that they forget this important point: the choices they make for their work cultures can ultimately set a new bar for an entire industry. When a dynamic workplace becomes a coveted asset, everyone will benefit in the long run.

The Hayes Approach fully embodies what it means to be “getting it right,” and what we love about their story is that their work culture is impacted by both large and small decisions, so nearly any business leader can take a play out of their book—no matter the budget. The Hayes Approach sets a high standard for excellence in talent management and innovation, but it starts with leadership at the very top making a commitment to her team and following through.

The Hayes Approach stands as an inspiring example for those looking to foster a vibrant and supportive workplace. Dive deeper into The Hayes Approach’s journey and discover how they’re making a difference here.

Strategies that Drive Success

What works for The Hayes Approach may not work for every company, but we encourage you to seek opportunities to prioritize collaboration, a strong compensation and benefits package, and management training that is rooted in empathy. From YoPro Know research, we know that on a scale of 0-10, wellness rated an 8.8 and work-life balance a 9.1 in importance for young professionals. We also know that 63.6% of young professionals rank “culture” as the second-most crucial factor in evaluating potential employers.

We find that collaboration, a strong people-centered philosophy, and excellent pay + benefits are key components to developing a dynamic workforce and attracting leaders from all generations. Interested in learning how? Visit our website to discover how we utilize a talent impact process to help you implement these strategies.


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Ready to transform your multi-generational workplace culture in 2025? Contact YoPro Know today! We can help you develop a culture that fosters positive relationships, strengthens your employer brand, and attracts top talent. Let’s ensure that your leadership choices pave the way for a dynamic cross-generational workforce! Schedule Your Free Planning Session Today.

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